Using a Docker Image

Using a Docker Image#

We provide a Docker file (Dockerfile) that can be used to build a Docker image. This Docker image is intended to be used for running experiments, but can also be used for development.


To build a Docker image, you need to fill in the appropriate values in your .env file (the one you created from .env.template in the Installation Steps). In particular, you need the following:

  • A GitHub personal access token (PAT). This is used to clone the repository inside the Docker container, and also push any changes back to the repository. You can create a PAT by following the instructions in the GitHub documentation. Ideally, use a fine-grained one that has (read-write) access only to the contents of this repository.

  • An SSH public key. This allows you to access the Docker container via SSH.

  • A Weights & Biases API key. This is used to log experiment data.

  • A name (probably your full name) and email address for signing git commits.

If you want to push the image to Docker Hub, you will also need a Docker Hub account.

Building and Pushing the Image#

Once you have filled in the appropriate values in your .env file, you can build the Docker image using the following command:

docker build -t DOCKER_USER/DOCKER_REPO:DOCKER_TAG --target default --secret id=my_env,src=.env --build-arg CACHE_BUST=`git rev-parse main` .

replacing DOCKER_USER with your Docker Hub username, and DOCKER_REPO and DOCKER_TAG suitable Docker repository and tag names (e.g. “neural-interactive-proofs/default”).

Alternatively, you can build an image with all of the datasets already downloaded. This will result in a much larger image, but can make the process of spinning up and running a new instance faster overall, if using a large dataset. To do this, use the “datasets” target as follows:

docker build -t DOCKER_USER/DOCKER_REPO:DOCKER_TAG --target datasets --secret id=my_env,src=.env --build-arg CACHE_BUST=`git rev-parse main` .

To push the image to Docker Hub, use the following command: