- class nip.scenario_base.agents.PureTextSharedModelGroup(hyper_params: HyperParameters, settings: ExperimentSettings, protocol_handler: ProtocolHandler, agent_wholes: Iterable[PureTextWholeAgent], group_name: str)[source]#
A class representing a group of pure text agents which share the same model.
The shared model is fine-tuned on the data from all agents in the group.
- Parameters:
hyper_params (HyperParameters) – The parameters of the experiment.
settings (ExperimentSettings) – The settings of the experiment.
protocol_handler (ProtocolHandler) – The protocol handler for the experiment.
agent_wholes (Iterable[PureTextWholeAgent]) – The agents in the shared model group.
group_name (str) – The name of the shared model group.
Methods Summary
(hyper_params, settings, ...)Get an iterable of agent IDs and names.
(...[, job_name])Create a DPO fine-tune job for the agent group given sampled timesteps.
(...[, ...])Create a supervised fine-tune job for the agent group given sampled rollouts.
Get a string representation of the error for the fine-tune job.
Get the status of the fine-tune job.
Get the state of the shared model group.
Get the state of the shared model group as a dict.
(checkpoint)Set the state of the shared model group from a checkpoint.
Switch to the next model after fine-tuning.
The maximum number of message rounds in the protocol.
The current model name, which may be the base model or a fine-tuned model.
- __init__(hyper_params: HyperParameters, settings: ExperimentSettings, protocol_handler: ProtocolHandler, agent_wholes: Iterable[PureTextWholeAgent], group_name: str)[source]#
- agent_ids_and_names() → Iterable[tuple[int, str]][source]#
Get an iterable of agent IDs and names.
- Yields:
agent_id (int) – The ID of the agent.
agent_name (str) – The name of the agent.
- abstract create_dpo_fine_tune_job(timesteps_per_agent: dict[str, NestedArrayDict], positive_examples_per_agent: dict[str, NestedArrayDict], negative_examples_per_agent: dict[str, NestedArrayDict], job_name: str | None = None)[source]#
Create a DPO fine-tune job for the agent group given sampled timesteps.
- Parameters:
timesteps_per_agent (dict[str, NestedArrayDict]) – The data for each agent in the group. Each agent’s data is a nested dictionary of arrays, which are timesteps selected from the rollouts.
positive_examples_per_agent (dict[str, NestedArrayDict]) – The next timestep in the preferred response for each of the timesteps in
.negative_examples_per_agent (dict[str, NestedArrayDict]) – The next timestep in the non-preferred response for each of the timesteps in
- abstract create_supervised_fine_tune_job(rollouts_per_agent: dict[str, NestedArrayDict], guess_replaced_rollouts: dict[str, NestedArrayDict] = {}, job_name: str | None = None)[source]#
Create a supervised fine-tune job for the agent group given sampled rollouts.
This method is used to do supervised fine-tuning (as opposed to other methods of fine-tuning, like reinforcement learning).
- Parameters:
rollouts_per_agent (dict[str, NestedArrayDict]) – The data for each agent in the group, sampled from the environment.
guess_replaced_rollouts (dict[str, NestedArrayDict], default={}) – Additional rollouts for the verifier agents where the verifier’s guess is to be replaced with the true label.
job_name (str, optional) – A name for the job, to make it more easily identifiable.
- abstract get_fine_tune_job_error_repr() → str[source]#
Get a string representation of the error for the fine-tune job.
- abstract get_fine_tune_job_status() → Literal['pending', 'running', 'succeeded', 'failed', 'cancelled'][source]#
Get the status of the fine-tune job.
- get_state() → PureTextSharedModelGroupState[source]#
Get the state of the shared model group.
- get_state_dict() → dict[source]#
Get the state of the shared model group as a dict.
This method should be implemented by subclasses capable of saving their state.
- Returns:
state_dict (dict) – The state of the shared model group.
- set_state(checkpoint: PureTextSharedModelGroupState)[source]#
Set the state of the shared model group from a checkpoint.
This method should be overridden by subclasses to restore the state of the shared model group from a checkpoint.
- Parameters:
checkpoint (AgentCheckpoint) – The checkpoint to restore the state from.