

A factory function for the components of an experiment scenario.

This is where the logic for creating the agents and environments lives.

The ScenarioInstance class holds the components of a scenario, which serves to abstract away the details of the particular experiment being run.

Scenarios register their components using the register_scenario_class registry, and the factory build_scenario_instance function builds the correct components based on the parameters.



Add embeddings to the datasets from pretrained models.

_build_agents(hyper_params, settings, ...)

Build the agents for the experiment.


Build the additional components needed for an RL trainer.

build_scenario_instance(hyper_params, settings)

Build a scenario instance from parameters.

register_scenario_class(scenario, base_class)

Register a component with a scenario.


ScenarioInstance(train_dataset, ...[, ...])

A dataclass for holding the components of an experiment.


A data structure for storing and retrieving classes based on parameter values.