

A nested dictionary of strings data structure.


concatenate_nested_array_dicts(nds[, dim])

Concatenate a sequence of NestedArrayDicts along an existing dimension.

stack_nested_array_dicts(nds[, dim])

Stack a sequence of NestedArrayDicts along a new dimension.


BoolArraySpec(shape[, dim_names])

Specification for a single boolean numpy array.

CompositeSpec(shape[, dim_names])

Specification for a nested dictionary of numpy arrays.

FloatArraySpec(shape[, dim_names])

Specification for a single float numpy array.

IntArraySpec(shape[, dim_names])

Specification for a single integer numpy array.

NestedArrayDict([data, batch_size])

A nested dictionary of numpy arrays.

NumpyArraySpec(shape[, dim_names])

Specification for a single numpy array.

NumpySpec(shape[, dim_names])

Base class for numpy array specifications.

StringArraySpec(shape[, dim_names])

Specification for a single string numpy array.