

nip.trainers.malt_pure_text._sample_positive_and_negative_examples(partial_rollouts_by_level: list[list[_PartialRolloutNode]], hyper_params: HyperParameters)[source]#

Sample positive and negative examples for each node in the tree of responses.

We look at each node and check if in its children there is a positive and a negative example. If so, we set the ("agents", "has_positive_and_negative") field to True. In this case, we randomly sample a positive and a negative example from the children and set the ("agents", "sampled_positive_example") and ("agents", "sampled_negative_example") fields to the corresponding node IDs. Otherwise these fields are set to -1.

  • partial_rollouts_by_level (list[list[_PartialRolloutNode]]) – The tree of responses, stratified by level. These are modified in-place, where we add ("agents", "has_positive_and_negative"), ("agents", "sampled_positive_example"), and ("agents", "sampled_negative_example") fields to the rollouts.

  • hyper_params (HyperParameters) – The parameters of the experiment.