

Use a language model to do analysis on rollouts.


BinaryRolloutAnalyser(hyper_params, ...[, ...])

Base class for rollout analyser which yield a binary classification.

CodeValidationRolloutAnalyser(hyper_params, ...)

Base class for analysing code validation rollouts.

FollowUpAnalyser(hyper_params, settings, ...)

Analyse whether the prover quotes accurately from the solution.

ProverAccurateQuotationAnalyser(...[, ...])

Analyse whether the prover quotes accurately from the solution.


Mixin class for analysing provers.

ProverDirectQuotationAnalyser(hyper_params, ...)

Analyse when the prover directly quotes the solution.

ProverRoleConformanceAnalyser(hyper_params, ...)

A watchdog to evaluate how well the prover(s) are conforming to their roles.