
This guide will help you install the necessary software to run the library. The library has been tested on Linux and MacOS, and may work on Windows as well. We also provide a Docker file, which can be used to run the library in a container or for development.


  • The library requires Python 3.11 or later.

  • You need git to clone the repository.

  • To log experiment data, you will need a Weights & Biases account.

  • To run experiments with OpenAI models, you need an OpenAI API key. You can get one by signing up at OpenAI. Note that in general the use of the OpenAI API is not free.

We recommend using a virtual environment to install the library, to avoid conflicts with other Python packages.

Installation Steps#

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone

    Alternatively, you may wish to fork the repository and clone your fork.

  2. Change to the repository directory:

    cd neural-interactive-proofs
  3. Install the requirements:

    pip install wheel
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install the library locally in edit mode:

    pip install -e .
  5. Log in to Weights & Biases:

    wandb login
  6. Copy the template secrets file:

    cp .env.template .env

    Edit the .env file and fill in the necessary information for your use case. The comments in the file should guide you on what to fill in.

Next Steps#

See the Running Experiments guide for information on how to run experiments.