

Dummy image classification test script, for debugging purposes.

This script runs the image classification scenario with very basic agents, and is intended as a way to quickly test that the scenario is working as expected, without having to run a full experiment.


Run a dummy image classification test

usage: scripts/dummy_test_ic.py [-h] [--use_cpu] [--ignore-cache]
                                [--use-wandb] [--run-id RUN_ID]
                                [--wandb-project WANDB_PROJECT]
                                [--wandb-entity WANDB_ENTITY]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit


Whether to use W&B to log the experiment

--run-id <run_id>#

The ID of the W&B run. By default, a random ID is auto-generated

--wandb-project <wandb_project>#

The name of the W&B project to use

--wandb-entity <wandb_entity>#

The name of the W&B entity to use