Interaction Protocols (nip.protocols)#


Interaction protocols define the way agents interact with each other. In particular, a protocol specifies the following:

  • Agents. The names of the agents involved.

  • Channels. The communication channels between agents.

  • Order of play. Which agents are active in each turn.

  • Rewards. The reward signal for each agent in each turn.

Creating a New Protocol#

See Creating a New Protocol for a guide on how to create a new protocol.

Base Classes#

protocol_base.ProtocolHandler(hyper_params, ...)

Base class for protocol handlers.


Base class for protocol handlers with a single verifier.


Base class for handlers of deterministic protocols with a single verifier.

Built-In Protocols#

main_protocols.NipProtocol(hyper_params, ...)

Handler for the NIP protocol.

main_protocols.AdpProtocol(hyper_params, ...)

Implementation of the Abstract Decision Problem (ADP) protocol [AZWG21].

main_protocols.DebateProtocol(hyper_params, ...)

Implementation of the Debate protocol [ICA18].

main_protocols.MerlinArthurProtocol(...[, ...])

Implementation of the Merlin-Arthur Classifier (MAC) protocol [WSZP24].

main_protocols.MnipProtocol(hyper_params, ...)

Implementation of the MNIP protocol.

main_protocols.SoloVerifierProtocol(...[, ...])

Implementation of the Solo Verifier protocol.


A protocol for testing multi-channel communication between agents.

Zero-Knowledge Protocols#

All protocols can be converted to zero-knowledge protocols by setting the protocol_common.zero_knowledge hyper-parameter to True. The way this is implemented is that a ZeroKnowledgeProtocol meta-handler is used as the protocol handler for the experiment. This handler creates a child handler for the actual protocol, and runs the zero-knowledge protocol on top of it.


Meta-handler for zero-knowledge protocols.

Code Validation Protocols#

In order for protocols to be used in code validation scenarios, some additional configuration is required:

  • Various configuration options should be specified, such as the human-readable names of the agents.

  • System prompt templates should be defined for each agent.

The first item is done by creating and registering a nip.code_validation.protocols.CodeValidationProtocolHandler class, which subclasses the desired protocol handler, and provides a nip.code_validation.protocols.CodeValidationAgentSpec specification for each agent. The second is done by creating files of the form nip/code_validation/prompt_templates/system_prompts/{protocol_name}/{agent_name}.txt.

See Creating a New Protocol for more information.

Protocol Registry#

The following methods handle registering and building protocol handlers:

nip.protocols.registry.register_protocol_handler(protocol_handler: Literal['nip', 'adp', 'debate', 'merlin_arthur', 'mnip', 'solo_verifier', 'multi_channel_test'], scenario_type: Literal['graph_isomorphism', 'image_classification', 'code_validation'] | None = None) Callable[[type[P]], type[P]][source]#

Register a protocol handler.

nip.protocols.registry.build_protocol_handler(hyper_params: HyperParameters, settings: ExperimentSettings) ProtocolHandler[source]#

Build a trainer from the parameters.


hyper_params (HyperParameters) – The parameters of the experiment.