- nip.parameters.types.InteractionProtocolType#
Type for the interaction protocol to use in the environment.
- nip
The Neural Interactive Proof (NIP) protocol that we introduce.
- adp
The Abstract Decision Problem (ADP) protocol.
- debate
The Debate protocol.
- merlin_arthur
The Merlin-Arthur Classifier (MAC) protocol.
- mnip
The Neural Interactive Proof protocol with multiple (in this case, two) provers (MNIP).
- solo_verifier
A protocol consisting of a single verifier, which makes a decision without interacting with a prover.
- multi_channel_test
A protocol for testing multi-channel communication.
alias of
[‘nip’, ‘adp’, ‘debate’, ‘merlin_arthur’, ‘mnip’, ‘solo_verifier’, ‘multi_channel_test’]