- class nip.parameters.trainers.SpgParameters(variant: Literal['spg', 'pspg', 'lola', 'pola', 'sos', 'psos'] = 'psos', stackelberg_sequence: tuple[tuple[str, ...]] | None = None, additional_lola_term: bool = True, sos_scaling_factor: float = 0.5, sos_threshold_factor: float = 0.1, ihvp_variant: Literal['conj_grad', 'neumann', 'nystrom'] = 'nystrom', ihvp_num_iterations: int = 5, ihvp_rank: int = 5, ihvp_rho: float = 0.1)[source]#
Additional parameters for SPG [FCR20] and its variants.
- Parameters:
variant (SpgVariantType) – The variant of SPG to use.
stackelberg_sequence (tuple[tuple[str, ...]], optional) – The sequence of agents to use in the Stackelberg game. The leaders first then their respective followers, and so forth. If
, the sequence is determined automatically based on the protocol.additional_lola_term (bool) – Whether to add an additional term to the SPG loss to make it equivalent to the later version of LOLA (first introduced implicitly in LOLA-DICE) as opposed to the original version.
sos_scaling_factor (float) – The SOS scaling factor (between 0 and 1), used with Stable Opponent Shaping.
sos_threshold_factor (float) – The SOS threshold factor (between 0 and 1), used with Stable Opponent Shaping.
ihvp_variant (IhvpVariantType) – The variant of IHVP to use.
ihvp_num_iterations (int) – The number of iterations to use in the IHVP approximation.
ihvp_rank (int) – The rank of the approximation to use in the IHVP approximation.
ihvp_rho (float) – The damping factor to use in the IHVP approximation.
Methods Summary
(other)Return self==value.
([variant, stackelberg_sequence, ...])__repr__
()Return repr(self).
(param_dict)Try to get the parameter class from a dictionary of serialised parameters.
Construct a set of basic parameters for testing.
(params_dict[, ignore_extra_keys])Create a parameters object from a dictionary.
(address)Get a value from the parameters object using a dot-separated address.
()Convert the parameters object to a dictionary.
- __eq__(other)#
Return self==value.
- __init__(variant: Literal['spg', 'pspg', 'lola', 'pola', 'sos', 'psos'] = 'psos', stackelberg_sequence: tuple[tuple[str, ...]] | None = None, additional_lola_term: bool = True, sos_scaling_factor: float = 0.5, sos_threshold_factor: float = 0.1, ihvp_variant: Literal['conj_grad', 'neumann', 'nystrom'] = 'nystrom', ihvp_num_iterations: int = 5, ihvp_rank: int = 5, ihvp_rho: float = 0.1) None #
- __repr__()#
Return repr(self).
- classmethod _get_param_class_from_dict(param_dict: dict) type[ParameterValue] | None [source]#
Try to get the parameter class from a dictionary of serialised parameters.
- Parameters:
param_dict (dict) – A dictionary of parameters, which may have come from a
method. This dictionary may contain a_type
key, which is used to determine the class of the parameter.- Returns:
param_class (type[ParameterValue] | None) – The class of the parameter, if it can be determined.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the class specified in the dictionary is not a valid parameter class.
- classmethod construct_test_params() BaseHyperParameters [source]#
Construct a set of basic parameters for testing.
- classmethod from_dict(params_dict: dict, ignore_extra_keys: bool = False) BaseHyperParameters [source]#
Create a parameters object from a dictionary.