- class nip.utils.nested_array_dict.NestedArrayDict(data: Any | None = None, batch_size: int | Sequence[int] | None = None)[source]#
A nested dictionary of numpy arrays.
A NestedDict behaves similarly to a TensorDict: it allows for nested dictionaries and has a common batch size
Methods Summary
([data, batch_size])__len__
()Return repr(self).
(index, value)_create_arrays_from_data
(data, batch_size)Create a list of named arrays from the data.
(shape)Check whether a shape is compatible with the batch size.
(keys[, prefix])Make a string representation for a set of keys.
([recurse])Clone the NestedDict and create a new instance.
(array_and_scalars, ...)Create a NestedDict from a list of arrays and scalars, and associated keys.
([include_prefixes, return_all_tuples])Return an iterator over the items, optionally including prefixes.
(key)Check if a key is a leaf, i.e. it is not a prefix of any other key.
([include_prefixes, return_all_tuples])Return an iterator over the all keys, optionally including prefixes.
Return the leaf keys as tuples.
(other)Update the NestedDict with the data from another dict.
(other)Create a NestedDict with zeros in the same structure as another NestedDict.
The batch size of the NestedDict.
- _create_arrays_from_data(data: dict[str, list | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | Any] | Any, batch_size: tuple[int, ...]) tuple[list[tuple[str, ...]], list[ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]], tuple[int, ...]] [source]#
Create a list of named arrays from the data.
Returns a list of keys and a list of corresponding arrays.
The data are validated and flattened, so that each key is a tuple of strings.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
keys (list[tuple[str, …]]) – The keys of the data. Each key is a tuple of strings that represents the path to the data in the nested dictionary.
arrays (list[NDArray]) – The data as numpy arrays. The order of the arrays corresponds to the order of the keys.
- _is_shape_compatible(shape: tuple[int, ...]) bool [source]#
Check whether a shape is compatible with the batch size.
- _make_key_repr(keys: list[tuple[str, ...]], prefix: tuple[str, ...] = ()) str [source]#
Make a string representation for a set of keys.
Represents the keys as a nested NestedDict.
- clone(recurse: bool = True) NestedArrayDict [source]#
Clone the NestedDict and create a new instance.
- Parameters:
recurse (bool, default=True) – Whether to clone the arrays and scalars in the NestedDict. Otherwise, just clone the structure.
- Returns:
cloned_dict (NestedDict) – The cloned NestedDict.
- classmethod from_arrays_and_scalars(array_and_scalars: list[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | Any], tuple_keys: list[tuple[str, ...]], batch_size: tuple[int, ...]) NestedArrayDict [source]#
Create a NestedDict from a list of arrays and scalars, and associated keys.
- Parameters:
array_and_scalars (list[ArrayLike | Any]) – The list of arrays and scalars to store in the NestedDict.
tuple_keys (list[tuple[str, ...]]) – The keys of the data. Each key is a tuple of strings that represents the path to the data in the nested dictionary.
batch_size (tuple[int, ...]) – The batch size of the NestedDict, which must be the initial segment of the shape of the each array. If
, the arrays are scalars.
- Returns:
string_dict (NestedDict) – The NestedDict created from the arrays.
- items(include_prefixes: bool = True, return_all_tuples: bool = False) Iterator[tuple[tuple[str, ...], ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]]] [source]#
Return an iterator over the items, optionally including prefixes.
By default top-level keys are returned as strings, while nested keys are returned as tuples.
- Parameters:
- Yields:
key (tuple[str, …]) – The key of the item.
value (NDArray) – The value of the item.
- key_is_leaf(key: tuple[str, ...]) bool [source]#
Check if a key is a leaf, i.e. it is not a prefix of any other key.
Leaf keys are keys that correspond to numpy arrays.
- keys(include_prefixes: bool = True, return_all_tuples: bool = False) Iterator[tuple[str, ...] | str] [source]#
Return an iterator over the all keys, optionally including prefixes.
By default top-level keys are returned as strings, while nested keys are returned as tuples.
- Parameters:
- Yields:
key (tuple[str, …] | str) – The keys of the data. Each key is either a string or a a tuple of strings that represents the path to the data in the nested dictionary.
- leaf_keys() list[tuple[str, ...]] [source]#
Return the leaf keys as tuples.
- Returns:
leaf_keys (list[tuple[str, …]]) – The leaf keys of the data. Each key is a tuple of strings that represents the path to the data in the nested dictionary to an array
- update(other: NestedArrayDict | dict) NestedArrayDict [source]#
Update the NestedDict with the data from another dict.
- Parameters:
other (NestedDict | dict) – The dict to update from. If a dict is provided, it is converted to a NestedDict with the same batch size as the current NestedDict.
- Returns:
self (NestedDict) – The updated NestedDict.
- classmethod zeros_like(other: NestedArrayDict) NestedArrayDict [source]#
Create a NestedDict with zeros in the same structure as another NestedDict.
- Parameters:
other (NestedArrayDict) – The NestedArrayDict to copy the structure from.
- Returns:
zero_dict (NestedArrayDict) – The NestedArrayDict with the same structure as
, but with zero arrays.