
class nip.code_validation.protocols.MnipCodeValidationProtocol(hyper_params: HyperParameters, settings: ExperimentSettings, *, verifier_name: str = 'verifier')[source]#

The MNIP protocol for code validation.

Methods Summary

__init__(hyper_params, settings, *[, ...])

_get_agent_decision_made_mask(round_id, y, ...)

Get a mask indicating whether an agent has made a decision.

_get_new_terminated_mask(round_id, ...)

Get a mask indicating whether the episode has been newly terminated.


Compute the rewards for the other agents and add them to the current reward.


Parse a completion text to extract the decision.


Parse a completion text to extract messages when it is to multiple channels.


Parse a completion text to extract the message when it is to one channel.


Make sure that agents are only active in channels they can see.

can_agent_be_active(agent_name, round_id, ...)

Specify whether an agent can be active in a given round and channel.

can_agent_be_active_any_channel(agent_name, ...)

Specify whether an agent can be active in any channel in a given round.

can_agent_see_channel(agent_name, channel_name)

Determine whether an agent can see a channel.


Get a boolean mask of active agents for a batch of rounds.

get_agent_ordered_channels(agent_name, seed)

Get an iterator over the channels ordered for the agent.

get_agent_system_prompt(agent_name, ...)

Get the system prompt for a given agent.


Get the system prompt template for a given agent.


Get the names of the channels visible to an agent.


Get a boolean mask indicating when the verifier can make a guess.

is_agent_active(agent_name, round_id, ...)

Specify whether an agent is active in a given round and channel.

modify_system_prompt_variables(agent_name, ...)

Modify the system prompt variables for a given agent.

parse_chat_completion(completion_text, ...)

Parse a chat completion into a message to each channel and a decision.


Get an estimate of the expected reward if all agents play randomly.


Take a step in the interaction protocol.



A list of which agent names are active in each round and channel.


A boolean mask indicating which agents are active in each round and channel.



A boolean mask indicating which agents can see which message channels.


The first round in which each agent is or can be active.



A dictionary mapping agent names to specifications.



The default Stackelberg sequence for the protocol.


An empty message for each channel.


The maximum number of message rounds.


The maximum number of questions the verifier can make to each prover.



The minimum number of message rounds.


The number of agents in the protocol.


The number of message channels in the protocol.


The indices of the provers in the list of agent names.


The names of the provers in the protocol.



The actual Stackelberg sequence used in this experiment.


The dot-separated path to the directory containing the system prompts.


Whether the verifier goes first.


The index of the verifier in the list of agent names.


The names of the verifiers in the protocol.


__init__(hyper_params: HyperParameters, settings: ExperimentSettings, *, verifier_name: str = 'verifier')[source]#
_get_agent_decision_made_mask(round_id: Int[Tensor, '...'], y: Int[Tensor, '... 1'], guess_mask: Bool[Tensor, '...'], decision: Int[Tensor, '...'], *, follow_force_guess: bool = True) Bool[Tensor, '...'][source]#

Get a mask indicating whether an agent has made a decision.

  • round_id (Int[Tensor, "..."]) – The round number.

  • y (Int[Tensor, "... 1"]) – The target value.

  • guess_mask (Bool[Tensor, "..."]) – A mask indicating whether the agent is allowed to make a guess.

  • decision (Int[Tensor, "..."]) – The decision output of the agent.

  • follow_force_guess (bool, default=True) – Whether to follow the force_guess parameter, which forces the agent to make a certain decision.

_get_new_terminated_mask(round_id: Int[Tensor, '...'], verifier_decision_made: Bool[Tensor, '...']) Bool[Tensor, '...'][source]#

Get a mask indicating whether the episode has been newly terminated.

“Newly terminated” means that the episode has been terminated this round. This happens when the max number of rounds has been reached and the verifier has not guessed.

  • round_id (Int[Tensor, "..."]) – The round number.

  • verifier_decision_made (Bool[Tensor, "..."]) – A mask indicating whether the verifier has made a decision.


terminated (Bool[Tensor, “…”]) – A mask indicating whether the episode has been newly terminated.

_include_prover_rewards(verifier_decision_made: Bool[Tensor, '...'], verifier_decision: Int[Tensor, '...'], reward: Float[Tensor, '... agent'], env_td: NestedArrayDict)[source]#

Compute the rewards for the other agents and add them to the current reward.

This modifies the default implementation to allow following the prover’s stance when the stance can be randomized.

The reward tensor is updated in place, adding in the rewards for the agents at the appropriate indices.

  • verifier_decision_made (Bool[Tensor, "..."]) – A boolean mask indicating whether the verifier has made a decision.

  • verifier_decision (Int[Tensor, "..."]) – The verifier’s decision.

  • reward (Float[Tensor, "... agent"]) – The currently computed reward, which should include the reward for the verifier.

  • env_td (NestedArrayDict) – The current observation and state.

_parse_decision(completion_text: str) int[source]#

Parse a completion text to extract the decision.


completion_text (str) – The completion text to parse.


decision (int) – The decision extracted from the completion text. This is either 0 (reject), 1 (accept) or 2 (no decision).


InvalidDecisionError – If the completion text does not contain a valid decision.

_parse_multi_channel_message(completion_text: str, agent_name: str, active_channels: list[str]) OrderedDict[str, str][source]#

Parse a completion text to extract messages when it is to multiple channels.

  • completion_text (str) – The completion text to parse.

  • agent_name (str) – The name of the agent that generated the completion.

  • active_channels (list[str]) – The names of the message channels where the agent is active.


channel_messages (OrderedDict[str, str]) – A dictionary mapping the channel name to the message.


NotAllActiveChannelsInResponseError – If the response does not contain messages for all active channels

_parse_single_channel_message(completion_text: str, active_channel_name: str) OrderedDict[str, str][source]#

Parse a completion text to extract the message when it is to one channel.

  • completion_text (str) – The completion text to parse.

  • active_channel_name (str) – The name of the message channel where the agent is active.


channel_messages (OrderedDict[str, str]) – A dictionary mapping the channel name to the message.


Make sure that agents are only active in channels they can see.

can_agent_be_active(agent_name: str, round_id: int, channel_name: str) bool[source]#

Specify whether an agent can be active in a given round and channel.

For deterministic protocols, this is the same as is_agent_active.


can_be_active (bool) – Whether the agent can be active in the given round and channel.

can_agent_be_active_any_channel(agent_name: str, round_id: int) bool[source]#

Specify whether an agent can be active in any channel in a given round.

For non-deterministic protocols, this is true if the agent has some probability of being active.


can_be_active (bool) – Whether the agent can be active in the given round.

can_agent_see_channel(agent_name: str, channel_name: str) bool[source]#

Determine whether an agent can see a channel.


can_see_channel (bool) – Whether the agent can see the channel.

get_active_agents_mask_from_rounds_and_seed(round_id: Int[Tensor, '...'], seed: Int[Tensor, '...'] | None) Bool[Tensor, '... agent channel'][source]#

Get a boolean mask of active agents for a batch of rounds.

Given a batch or rounds, returns a boolean mask indicating which agents are active in each round and channel.

  • round_id (Int[Tensor, "..."]) – The round of the protocol.

  • seed (Int[Tensor, "..."] | None) – The per-environment seed. This is ignored for deterministic protocols, so it can be None.


active_agents (Bool[Tensor, “… agent channel”]) – The boolean mask. active_agents[*batch, agent, channel] is True if the agent sends a message in the channel in round round[*batch].

get_agent_ordered_channels(agent_name: str, seed: int) Iterator[str][source]#

Get an iterator over the channels ordered for the agent.

Channels can be ordered differently for each agent, when creating the request to the model.

  • agent_name (str) – The name of the agent.

  • seed (int) – The random seed to use for shuffling the channels, if necessary.


channel_name (str) – The name of the channel.

get_agent_system_prompt(agent_name: str, **prompt_variables) str[source]#

Get the system prompt for a given agent.

This prompt is used to generate system prompts at the beginning of the chat history for the agent.

  • agent_name (str) – The name of the agent.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the template.


str – The system prompt for the agent.

get_agent_system_prompt_template(agent_name: str) Template[source]#

Get the system prompt template for a given agent.

This template is used to generate system prompts at the beginning of the chat history for the agent.


agent_name (str) – The name of the agent.


Template – The system prompt template for the agent.

get_agent_visible_channels(agent_name: str) list[str][source]#

Get the names of the channels visible to an agent.


agent_name (str) – The name of the agent.


visible_channels (list[str]) – The names of the channels visible to the agent.

get_verifier_guess_mask_from_rounds_and_seed(round_id: Int[Tensor, '...'], seed: Int[Tensor, '...'] | None) Bool[Tensor, '...'][source]#

Get a boolean mask indicating when the verifier can make a guess.

Takes as input a tensor of rounds and returns a boolean mask indicating when the verifier can make a guess for each element in the batch.

  • round_id (Int[Tensor, "..."]) – The batch of rounds.

  • seed (Int[Tensor, "..."] | None) – The per-environment seed. This is ignored for deterministic protocols, so it can be None.


verifier_turn (Bool[Tensor, “…”]) – Which batch items the verifier can make a guess in.

is_agent_active(agent_name: str, round_id: int, channel_name: str) bool[source]#

Specify whether an agent is active in a given round and channel.

In sequential MNIP with verifier first, the order is:

  • Verifier in both channels

  • First prover (determined by prover0_first) in their respective channel

  • Second prover in their respective channel

In simultaneous MNIP with verifier first, the order is:

  • Verifier in both channels

  • Provers in their respective channels at the same time


is_active (bool) – Whether the agent is active in the given round and channel.

modify_system_prompt_variables(agent_name: str, current_variables: dict) dict[source]#

Modify the system prompt variables for a given agent.

This method can be overridden by any protocol handler which needs to include additional variables in the system prompts.

  • agent_name (str) – The name of the agent.

  • current_variables (dict) – The current variables to include in the system prompts.


dict – A dictionary mapping variable names to values. To add new variables, return current_variables with the new variables added.

parse_chat_completion(completion_text: str, agent_name: str, round_id: int) tuple[OrderedDict[str, str] | None, int][source]#

Parse a chat completion into a message to each channel and a decision.

  • completion_text (str) – The completion to parse.

  • agent_name (str) – The name of the agent that generated the completion.

  • round_id (int) – The current round of the interaction.


  • channel_messages (OrderedDict[str, str] | None) – A dictionary mapping channel names to messages, ordered by channel order. If the model has made a decision, this will be None.

  • decision (int) – The decision made by the model. This is either 0 (reject), 1 (accept) or 2 (no decision).

reward_mid_point_estimate(agent_name: str) float[source]#

Get an estimate of the expected reward if all agents play randomly.

This is used to compute the mid-point of the reward range for the agent.

For the verifier, the mid-point is the average of the verifier reward and the verifier incorrect penalty. For the prover, the mid-point is the prover reward divided by 2 (because the prover gets 0 when it is not rewarded).


agent_name (str) – The name of the agent to get the reward mid-point for.


reward_mid_point (float) – An estimate of the expected reward for agent_name if all agents play randomly.

step_interaction_protocol(env_td: TensorDictBase | NestedArrayDict) tuple[Bool[Tensor, '...'], Bool[Tensor, '... agent'], Bool[Tensor, '...'], Float[Tensor, '... agent']][source]#

Take a step in the interaction protocol.

Computes the done signals and reward.

Used in the _step method of the environment.


env_td (TensorDictBase | NestedArrayDict) –

The current observation and state. If a NestedArrayDict, it is converted to a TensorDictBase. Has keys:

  • ”y” (… 1): The target value.

  • ”round” (…): The current round.

  • (“agents”, “decision”) (… agent): The decision of each agent.

  • ”done” (…): A boolean mask indicating whether the episode is done.

  • (“agents”, “done”) (… agent): A boolean mask indicating whether each

    agent is done.

  • ”terminated” (…): A boolean mask indicating whether the episode has been



  • shared_done (Bool[Tensor, “…”]) – A boolean mask indicating whether the episode is done because all relevant agents have made a decision.

  • agent_done (Bool[Tensor, “… agent”]) – A boolean mask indicating whether each agent is done, because they have made a decision. This is the same as shared_done for agents which don’t make decisions.

  • terminated (Bool[Tensor, “…”]) – A boolean mask indicating whether the episode has been terminated because the max number of rounds has been reached and the verifier has not guessed.

  • reward (Float[Tensor, “… agent”]) – The reward for the agents.